Facial Lift Massage – Rejuvenescence

a ‘fingertip face lift’ Rejuvanessence releases tension in up to 91 muscles of the face, neck, skull and shoulders. It also works on the connective tissue to make it more elastic and flexible and enable the skin to recapture its youthful appearance. 

How does it work? 

Skin has two layers, the epidermis and the dermis and stress and tension causes these layers to tighten around the blood vessels and lymph glands. This means that the flow of the nutrients and oxygen is depleted, and the waste products build up in the cells causing a lack-lustre complexion. The face becomes drawn and tight, ageing sets in and lines begin to form. 

This gently and deeply relaxing treatment lifts your face by gently helping to release the tightened tissues. Skin regains its flexibility, and your face looks open and relaxed, smoother, and younger.  Unblocking energy in tense and tight muscles can also ease headaches, jaw, neck, and shoulder pain.

what to expect and more


Pam Bennett – Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays available. Other flexible appointments by arrangement.


Price: £60 for 60 minutes

Course of six treatments.  Package available - £330.00

What to expect:

Whilst one off treatment is wonderful and can be impactful, a course of Rejuvanessence treatment comprises six sessions of one hour, each working on different groups of connective tissues and muscles. It is a gentle, pleasant, safe and loving treatment that brings positive results.